Missional Community Groups | MCGs meet in the homes of church members.
What Are They?
Missional Communities are the primary organizing structure of MidTree. While we gather together weekly on Sunday, the majority of our church life exists in the places we live, work, and play through what we at MidTree call Missional Community (MC). A Missional Community is a family of servant missionaries sent to make disciples in all of life. These groups are comprised of men and women from our faith family who gather together for the purpose of advancing Christ’s Kingdom in our neighborhoods. Both geography (where one lives) and affinity (who one knows) are taken into consideration when forming and inviting people into MCGs.
Why Should I Go?
As believers, we are commissioned by God to live out our faith in community as we bear one another’s burdens and point each other toward Christ.
When Do They Meet?
Wednesdays @ 6:00pm

Matthew 28:18-20 outlines the call and mission given by Jesus to all believers: “And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
True believers in Jesus are not simply those who mentally agree with the good news of Jesus Christ, but rather, those who truly believe will live as Jesus lived. They become disciples who make disciples that make disciples. However, this is not a solo venture. Not only are we called into a community, but Jesus himself promises his presence and power through the Holy Spirit!
We at MidTree believe that just as the early church met together for worship and community, we too need this dual approach to our pursuit of God and of one another. Our Sunday morning worship is intended to be a God-glorifying time when we put our eyes on who God is, what his word says, and what his son has done on our behalf…the gospel. However, a worship service, as important as it is, is not sufficient for all that God calls us to. Christianity simply cannot fit into a 2-hour gathering once a week. We are commissioned by God to live out our faith weekly, daily, hourly, and indeed from moment to moment, trusting in the indwelling work of the Spirit to sanctify us, empower us, and use us for the purposes of our great God.
So we gather. We gather corporately on Sunday morning to worship the Lord, and we gather throughout the week to pursue him together. The weekly meetings typically occur in homes led by disciples of Christ who have a heart for teaching, training, and shepherding the flock of God. During their time together, they will study God’s word, pray for one another, and challenge and encourage each other in the great calling of our lives to make disciples of Jesus Christ. This is a whole family venture as we learn from one another regardless of age, race, economic standing, educational background, etc. In a missional community, we are simply followers of Jesus who seek to love him and one another biblically. We intentionally take time to invite others into our lives to see the beauty of the community that exists in and through the gospel. We also intentionally gather all community groups together throughout the year to spend time as a whole body teaching, training and growing in our understanding and expression of this great commission.